Global consulting network in the fields of audit, accounting, tax and legal services
Ecovis is a leading global consulting company headquartered in Germany. Nearly 11,000 people work across our network providing expertise and advice in audit, accounting, tax and legal services in more than 90 countries. Our diversity of expertise and effective support help our customers achieve their personal and business goals. We also help optimize processes and methods to increase efficiency and effectiveness for all of our customers.
Ecovis’s special strength is the combination of consulting in local offices around the world with an international network of experts with general multi-disciplinary expertise. Each Ecovis office is staffed with quality experts with in-depth knowledge of the industry or country-specific legal system. This diverse expertise provides effective support to clients, especially in the area of international trading and investments – from preparation in the client country to support in the destination country.
In its consulting work, Ecovis focuses mainly on small and medium-sized enterprises. Both at the national and international level, Ecovis’s “one-stop-shop” concept ensures comprehensive support in legal, tax, regulatory and administrative matters.
The name Ecovis is a combination of the terms “economy” and “vision”, representing both internationalism and a focus on future development.
Global expertise with consulting teams in countries around the world
Whether you are an international entrepreneur or a manager with significant local responsibilities, we know that there are no simple answers to the many tax, legal and business questions you face. daily items. Comprehensive consulting services require extensive knowledge in many different fields and the ability to combine them.
Our 360-degree approach brings together experts from many sectors and helps us ensure that we can provide you with the advice you need to meet your specific business challenges. , today and in the future.
Ecovis brings together experts in many different fields and supports you – fully, honestly and accurately.
Experience Ecovis and see what real consultation is like.
We are close to you no matter where you are
Whether you are an established international business facing legal issues, a family company, a branch of a large corporation or an NGO, we are always by your side. you no matter where your business is located. With Ecovis, you always have the advantage of being at home.
We aim to always be dedicated to providing support with extensive experience from a global organization.
In most cases, we have an international office located near you and can provide support and advice whenever you need it.
With over 90 countries with offices, Ecovis can help your business grow no matter where you choose to take it.
Take advantage at home – with Ecovis at home and around the world.
Consulting experts in countries around the world
Get knowledge support from nearly 11,000 other experts in the global network.
In business, whether national or international, success depends on having a partner with whom you can work, operate at the same level, and have a clear understanding of your problems and opportunities. . Your consultant at Ecovis is an experienced expert. Working together is based on trust and mutual respect, allowing your business to achieve comprehensive results. As an Ecovis customer, you can tap into the cross-industry knowledge and proven capabilities of a leading consulting group with nearly 11,000 experts worldwide.
Whether you need audit, accounting, tax or legal services, Ecovis consultants have both the local knowledge and business expertise to make your business a success.
Take advantage of the wealth of knowledge your Ecovis consulting members have to tap into.
Always updated with the latest information from
E-invoices generated from cash registers
Enterprises, business households, and individuals doing business providing goods and services directly to consumers may use electronic invoices issued from cash registers at the point of sale (Clause 2, Article 8, Circular 78/ 2021/TT-BTC). This includes business models such as shopping malls, supermarkets, consumer goods retail, food and beverage, restaurants, hotels, modern drug retail, entertainment, […]
Tax changes in Vietnam
Chính phủ Việt Nam đã sửa đổi một số điều của Nghị định số 91/2022/ND-CP (Nghị định 91), bổ sung thuế doanh nghiệp hoặc thuế thu nhập và thay đổi các quy định về giao dịch trực tuyến. Các công ty phải tuân thủ các quy định mới kể từ khi Nghị định 91 có […]
The reduction under Decree No. 15/2022/ND-CP has ended
Decree No. 15/2022/ND-CP (Decree 15), which last year reduced the VAT rate from 10% down to 8% for certain g Decree No. 15/2022/ND-CP (Decree 15) last year reduced the VAT rate from 10% to 8% for some goods and services in Vietnam, expiring on December 31, 2020. 2022. This means that, from January 1 to […]
Update documents proving eligibility for tax dependents
On January 1, 2023, an updated policy took effect in Vietnam, outlining the documents required for taxpayers to prove the legitimacy of declared dependents. Circular No. 79/2022/TT-BTC amends Point g, Clause 1, Article 9, Circular No. 111/2013/TT-BTC, guiding necessary proof of dependents eligible to pay taxes. Types of dependents and required documents 1. Children Copy […]
Tax exemption and international remittances: Businesses must be aware of the changes in Vietnam
From February 15, 2023, materials that can be used to produce information technology products will be imported into Vietnam tax-free. Another change also effective on this date regulates the unilateral transfer of capital from Vietnam to foreign countries. Ecovis consultants know exactly what companies need to consider. Exemption from import tax on information technology production components According to […]
Extension of tax and land rent payment deadline in 2023
The Vietnamese government has implemented tax policy measures to rescue the economy after the Corona pandemic. This includes a package of tax and land rental extension deadlines. The Decree takes effect from April 14, 2023 and is valid until December 31, 2023. As part of many measures to boost the economy, the government issued Decree […]