Legal document newsletter week 21/02/2024


On October 19, 2023, the Government issued Decree No. 75/2023/ND-CP to amend and supplement a number of articles of Decree No.  146/2018/ND-CP  dated October 17, 2018 of the Government detailing and guiding measures to implement a number of articles of the Health Insurance Law. This Decree takes effect from December 3, 2023 (in particular, the regulation abolishing the total payment level will be applied from January 1, 2019, and a number of regulations on adding subjects and increasing benefit levels will be applied). applied from the date of issuance of the Decree (October 19, 2023)) and has some notable contents as follows: 

  •  Supplement subjects and support health insurance premiums ; 
  •  Supplement and increase health insurance benefits for some target groups ; 
  •  Abolish regulations on the total payment of medical examination and treatment costs covered by health insurance, implement payment of medical examination and treatment costs by health insurance according to the payment method based on service price, applied from 01.01. /January 2019; 

The assignment of health insurance medical examination and treatment cost estimates to Vietnam Social Insurance and Social Insurance of provinces and centrally run cities; Notify the estimated number of medical examination and treatment expenses covered by health insurance to medical facilities as a basis for planning the use of medical examination and treatment expenses covered by health insurance during the year, but do not apply as a basis for advances, payments, and settlement of medical examination and treatment expenses covered by health insurance of the health insurance facility. Medical examination and treatment facilities in case of exceeding the expected expenditure; 

Medical examination and treatment costs covered by health insurance within the scope of benefits and benefits of health insurance participants assessed by the social insurance agency will be within the scope of payment by the health insurance fund.