Legal document newsletter week 01/03/2024
Recently, the Ministry of Planning and Investment issued Circular No. 25/2023/TT-BKHDT (Circular 25) dated December 31, 2023 amending Circular 03/2021/TT-BKHDT (Circular 03) stipulating sample documents publications and reports related to investment activities in Vietnam, investment from Vietnam to foreign countries and investment promotion.
Accordingly, Circular 25 amends and supplements a number of document samples specified in Circular 03 as follows:
(a) Amending and supplementing document templates related to investment activities in Vietnam specified in Appendix A TT 03;
(b) Amending and supplementing document templates related to investment activities from Vietnam to foreign countries specified in Appendix B TT 03;
(c) Amending and supplementing document templates related to investment promotion activities specified in Appendix C Circular 03;
(d) In the forms Appendix A: For individual investors and legal representatives who have Vietnamese nationality or choose to use Vietnamese nationality, only declare the following information: full name, personal identifier, contact address, phone, email. For individual investors and legal representatives who have foreign nationality or choose to use foreign nationality, declare the information as prescribed in Circular 03;
In particular, Circular 25 amends 09 forms related to investment activities in Vietnam applicable to investors including:
01. Document requesting implementation of investment project (Form AI1);
02. Investment project proposal (Project subject to investment policy approval prepared by a competent state agency) (Form AI2);
03. Document requesting issuance of Investment Registration Certificate (Form AI6);
04. Document to register capital contribution/share purchase/purchase of capital contribution from foreign investors (Form AI7);
05. Document to register the establishment of an executive office of a foreign investor in a business cooperation contract (Form AI8);
06. Document requesting adjustment of investment project (In case of division, separation, consolidation, merger, conversion of economic organization type) (Form AI11.đ);
07. Document requesting adjustment of investment project (In case of other adjustments) (Form AI11.h);
08. Written notice of the investor on the cessation of investment project operations (Form AI13);
09. Written notice of termination of investment project activities (Form AI15).
Circular 25 officially takes effect from February 15, 2024.
Regarding investment activities in Vietnam, ECOVIS AFA VIETNAM provides a full range of licensing services to support investors in registering for Investment Certificates and Business Registration Certificates, as well as other services. Post-licensing services such as notifications, initial registration with agencies, setting up reporting systems…