Accounting – Tax Symposium

Solutions for hot spots on the path of integration

On the morning of November 25, 2022, ECOVIS AFA VIETNAM successfully organized the Accounting – Tax Seminar with the theme “Solutions for hot spots on the integration path”. This year’s event was held in the context of many changes in Accounting and Tax policies, thus attracting the participation of a large number of customers and partners from many corporations, general companies, businesses and universities across the

At the seminar, customers and partners of ECOVIS AFA VIETNAM listened to experts present on hot and practical topics such as “Roadmap for IFRS application in Vietnam” and “Important updates in Tax policy as well as hot spots that can put Enterprises at significant risk”. In the program, leading experts, representatives of state management agencies and representatives of solution providers shared many practical and useful information, helping enterprises have a more specific view of current Accounting and Tax policies as well as steps to improve and enhance the management and operation efficiency of the finance – accounting apparatus.

With the enthusiastic participation of customers and partners, in the Discussion and Q&A section, experts frankly responded, explained, and provided optimal solutions based on legal grounds and their own practical experience. This is a great opportunity for businesses to receive suggestions and advice in the most accurate and closest way.

Closing the 2022 Accounting – Tax Seminar program, the biggest event of the year of ECOVIS AFA VIETNAM, was a great success. This year’s program was organized in a new and attractive format, leaving many impressions in the hearts of customers and partners. This will be an annual forum for ECOVIS AFA VIETNAM to fulfill its commitment – “Always accompanying businesses”.
